Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Nick and I have been taking the girls down to the local family center for the past few weeks and the girls have been having so much fun. The family resource center is a government funded center that provides all kinds of free classes and activities for families, similar to the programs offered at the local library. The girls are in a 6-week course for 2-3 year olds right now.

Today, the class was all about the 5 senses, and to go along with their sense of touch, the girls got to fingerpaint for the first time.
Here they are with their little smocks.

Staring at the white shaving cream and wondering what in the world is going on.

Natalia was not interested at all in using her fingers, and promptly asked for a paintbrush so she wouldn't get "messy." Kira used a combination of both. I think she really wanted to use her fingers, but she was torn because she also wanted to be just like her big sister.

Aerial view of the artwork.

The center also has "bedtime stories" once a week, where the kids come at about 7 pm and bring their blankies, and wear their jammies. They read stories and fed them cookies and juice. They even gave out free teddy bears to each kiddo this week!

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