Ladies and gentleman.......drumroll please.......the BLOG IS BACK. I'm going to try my best to keep this thing updated for all the family and friends who want to see our beautiful princesses, Natalia and Kira. I'm sorry for the lapse in bloggy goodness, and hopefully all these pics will make up for it.
These days, Natalia is a typical 26-month-old, until she starts talking. She talks about anything and everything and she talks nonstop. She knows her ABCs, numbers, colors, and shapes. She's a budding artist and has a huge imagination.
Here is Natalia in her land of Little People.

Kira is a sweet, shy little 6-month-old. She just started eating cereal and is doing great with it. She has one tooth, and she's working on sitting up by herself.

And my favorite pictures of all are the pictures of our two girls together. I don't get these pics very often because Natalia is not really fond of Kira yet, but we are getting there!